Hotel | Directions | Parking
Hilton – UC Irvine Shuttle Schedule December 4 2:40pm Shuttle departs Hilton 3:00pm Shuttle arrives at Lot 7 on UCI Campus 8:30pm Shuttle departs Lot 7 on UCI Campus for Hilton
December 5 7:40am Shuttle departs Hilton 8:20am Shuttle arrives at Lot 7 on UCI Campus 8:30pm Shuttle departs Lot 7 on UCI Campus for Hilton
December 6 8:00am Shuttle departs Hilton 8:20am Shuttle arrives at Lot 7 on UCI Campus 8:30pm Shuttle departs Lot 7 on UCI Campus for Hilton
Hotel | Directions | Parking Directions The Conference will take place on the UCI Campus in Humanities Gateway 1030, located in Bldg 611, at coordinates E7 on the Campus Core map, or at coordinates D4 on the Main Campus map.
Hotel | Directions | Parking Parking The nearest vistor parking for Humanities Gateway 1030 is in the Mesa Parking Structure (Mesa Rd.) or Student Center Parking Structure (Pereira and West Peltason).
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